Subject: CSHOW 9.03a CompuShow IBM PC Author: Bob Berry Uploaded By: SeniorNet Date: 11/20/1997 File: CSHOWA.EXE (264481 bytes) Estimated Download Time (46456 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 260 Equipment: IBM Compatible This is a shareware program that you can use to view the Portraits of members in this library. CompuShow version 9.03a, The full-featured graphics display (and convert!) system for GIF, RLE, MacPaint, PC Paint, PC Paintbrush, ColoRIX, EGA Paint, IMG, Dr. Halo, Targa, IFF/LBM/HAM, BMP, Tiff, JPEG, RIP Icon, PBMPLUS, and PNG graphics on IBM compatibles with Hercules, CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA, 8514/a, XGA, VESA and Super-VGA adapters including hi-color SVGAs. After downloading, simply run the downloaded file (CSHOWA.EXE) either from DOS (the same directory which CSHOWA.EXE exists in) or WINDOWS File Manager. The REALLY BIG NEWS is graphics conversions. Any of the sixteen graphics file formats may be directly converted to - GIF; interlaced and non-interlaced with automatic, high quality color mapping of full color graphics to 256 colors as needed. - PCX; including 24-bit 16 million color format. - Tiff; both compressed and uncompressed formats. - Targa; compressed and uncompressed full-color, palette mapped and grayscale images. - BMP; supporting both OS/2 and Windows formats and Windows RLE compression. - JPEG; full color and grayscale with "Quality" settings ranging from five to ninety-five percent to allow you to balance quality against file size. - PNG; interlaced and non-interlaced, supporting loss-less compression of 2-,4-, 16-, and 256-color and full color images. A total re-write of our JPEG graphic routines displays JPEGs faster than ever before! Highest quality display in 256-color modes ever! We now handle those non-standard (non-JFIF) JPEG files, too. Must be installed after downloading. Read HELP from the menu of CSHOW after installation. Version 9.01 ------------ Fix: Avoid duplicate software name comments when converting Add: Convert to RLE compressed RGB Targa Fix: Avoid using XMS for convert buffer under DOS 5 Version 9.02 ------------ Fix: Circumvent bug in XMS memory, which can't store an odd width; Re-enable XMS for DOS 5 Version 9.03 ------------ Fix: PNG interlace of odd-width images.6